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BMI Calculator Calculator

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The Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator helps you calculate the amount of fat in your body on the basis of your height and weight. This tool is quite beneficial for most of the adults over the age of 20. Whereas for children aged 2 and above, the amount of body fat can be assessed with the help of the BMI percentile.

The BMI tool plays an important role in determining if the person is healthy or not. It helps to know if the person is prone to any significant risks to his health. That is, if the values are not within the normal range, one needs to keep a close eye on his health. Age or gender of a person is not taken into consideration here.

The values differ from person to person as the body proportions are the main criteria for the tool. However, they provide near-perfect results and aid in the continuous monitoring of one's health.



Metric Body Mass Index (BMI) Formula: Body Mass Index is measured using kilograms and meters with this given equation:

BMI = (weight in kilograms/(height in meters x height in meters)).

The height in meters is first multiplied by itself (squared). Then the weight in kilograms is divided by the result (square of height in meters). The final outcome is the BMI in Kg/m2. If the height is available in centimeters, it is divided by 100 to obtain the height in meters. This is called the Metric BMI Formula.


Disclaimer: All health Tools published on this website are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment by a trained physician. Seek the advice from your physician or other qualified health-care providers with questions you may have regarding your symptoms and medical condition for a complete medical diagnosis. Do not delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice because of something you have read on this website.